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(1 edit)

I thought this reminded me of the Mandela Catalogue and then I see it was the inspiration. Not my favorite work of unfiction, but the game ended up being better than the series, in my opinion.


anyone notice the letters on the bottom left with the face that was very bright


yep! i also decoded! do you wanna know what it says? 


yes plssssssss


what does it say?

It says "You are not safe" (if i have decoded it correctly)



Excellent game! We love analog horror and this did not disappoint. While the inspiration is obvious, you told your own story and was compelling. Keep up the good work. 

I thought that this was pretty well done! I felt genuinely creeped out at moments and the underlying story was unsettling. I do wish perhaps we got to see more hints that the murders were connected to the assessment but that didn't bother me from having a good time with this!

Loved your video, it was very funny! And I do agree with your point. Back when I made this game, I was not too concerned about how the game would make sense or any of the story behind it, but with my next one I am hoping to include a good amount of context and such to make it all somewhat make sense. The next one should also be much scarier!

Not a threat whatsoever...



my paranoid little butt shouldn't have played this, but it was so good!!! uncomfortable chills (in a good way)


Thank you!


game did not extend my barrel..

i feel threatened

Good short analog horror game. 

Neat analog horror game! I do wish the end of it had a little more to it. When the red block made it to the door I expected something to happen, but I am assuming it was implied that the creepy dude was coming in

this was a pretty cool little game!

Jeu très stréssant et immersif. BravoOOO/////THRE6--TH


(spoil alert!!)








so when the black and white smiling man pic appears, there is a text beneath "lbh ner abg fnsr", which can be translated by Caesar cipher which goes "you are not safe"


Very nice, i particularly liked the image of the three people in the forest!

This was well done for an analog horror game and honestly I was itching for a new one, so thanks!

This Is One Of The Best Horror Analogue Games I've Played! Fear Factor Was Probably A 9.3/10. I Hope To See More Of These From You One Day. Don't Look, Don't Look, Don't Look, Don't Look. He Is Coming For You, Hide Your Kids Hide Them 1 minute away. 50 seconds away, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1   He Is At Your Door. Lock The Windows In Two Minutes Or You Will FAIL.

How did you go from meme games to this excellent game?


manenmella catmotlogue 🤤

that game is geniulnly creepy but i enojoyed it

(2 edits) (+1)

Cool game ngl but I wished it could've been longer to spice up the gameplay

Very unsettling. Well done.

This was a really well made analog horror experience, which is rare nowadays. A lot of good creepy moments that were subtle yet effective. Well done, dev.

Please sir can I have some more?


You got my girlfriend good with this one; nicely done!

Short but pretty decent. Made a video on it.

When that face showed up in the static, I almost lost it. I love seeing analogue horror games like this. Amazing job.

(1 edit) (+4)

I won the game, I got the red square pizza delivered to the house 

Really enjoyed this. I think it's always cool to see games that people did earlier to see how they progressed. Glad you decided to release this.

Really loved your video! Possibly my favorite one. 900 is the highest possible score by the way, so congratulations!

After the billion jumpscares I’ve been through SOMEHOW YOUR SOUND GOT ME THE WORST IN A LONG TIME. Thank you! Also scored 550 - hope that’s good!? AM I DEFINITIVELY HECCIN’ SCREWED!? Also I noticed that hidden code but unsure what it do >-O


Your video was hilarious! Glad I could scare you, at least a little bit. This is a fairly old project I didn't decide to finish until now, so I have sadly forgotten what the code is supposed to say or what it does. But, it's very impressive that you noticed it!


It’s kinda neat that you’ve forgotten what the code’s about. Maybe it mysteriously erased its own secret from your mind o:

But that kinda makes it all the more fun IMO! Thank you for watching btw! Super glad you liked it c:

i got 900 oof

That's the highest score, Good job!

i scored a 600

wonder what the highest possible score is

but great game!


Decent analog horror. 

I have played multiple "assessment test" like games and have to say, this was a good one. Not too creepy or effective, rather a solid experience and fun.

Great job on the project, wish the best and hope to see more games from you. Enjoy the video. Cheers! 


Thank you! I do have to agree it's not incredibly scary, but I appreciate the video! This is quite an old project so I will make sure to make my next game very scary!

Great game ! Love these kind of games super creepy ! 

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